Hey! As as I write this I'm sitting in the wonderful Columbus airport, a jumping off point for many of my previous travels, thinking about my future adventure in the land of the rising sun. While I can't say that I'm particularly excited about the destination, I can take solace in the fact that I will be able to watch horrible movies, see borderline interesting historical sites, and have the opportunity to eat some of the worst food in the history of the world (seriously its hard to believe that this food is considered "edible"). In any event, I will be hanging out with my super cool girl Leslie, and scouting out possible destinations or plans for next year, (Russia....). Well, I'm off to my flight, but I want everyone to wish me luck. After all, this is the same country known for some of the most vicious and destructive Giant Monster battles ever recorded on film.
Good luck with the food! it may not be very nice but it is healthy! :)... they say.
so exactly how many battles have you witnessed? i'm so jealous, you got godzilla and this whole gang, gigantor, voltron, ultraman, and i can only imagine how annoying the local pokemon must be. definetly capture me a squirtle if you get a chance.
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