Every group of friends has a one person singled out as the butt of their jokes. We had two. First was Jesse. He is this super good guy who has a penchant for eating peas all day and speaking to us only in broken "Simpson's" quotes. He was also super nice and always stuck up for dumb friend #2. This other friend was simply named Moulin (pronounced Moleeeeeinnnn). This kid was the ultimate goofball. He always wanted to watch "Blues Brothers" due to its famous record of the most car explosions in a movie. (The excitement he showed over "Blues Brothers 2000" is yet another notable blemish on his already shaky resume) He also was famous for dressing up in full body camo while playing games of "Capture the Flag". During the game he would hide in a tree and never come down, even after the game was finished. Moulin believed that our yelling about the game being over was only a clever ruse to find the true location of his hiding tree. There are many more things to mention, but perhaps I'll save that for a future blog. Anyway, one faithful night we were all hanging out at Jesse's house. His mother, perhaps aware that her baking efforts were the sole reason her son had any friends, had just finished cooking a sheet of delicious brownies. We all took our desired brownie, leaving the hard and crusty corner brownie for Moulin. It was at this instant, that my friend Dan, in an act of sheer comedic brilliance said, "Here is your brownie Moulin". As he uttered this famous line, he drove his index finger into the heart of Moulin's already sad excuse for a baked good. Moulin's face went from the usual expression of annoyed confusion, to tragic despair in less than a second. We all laughed quite hard, but Jesse realizing that to laugh at Moulin, was to lose his sole true friend, graciously gave Moulin his own brownie. Of course we all hated Jesse more for ruining the moment, but since none of us gave Moulin our brownie, we didn't mind.
It was a great evening, and one I will never forget. If you ever want to really chuckle at a friends expense, look at his/her face in the midst of ruining their brownie. It's comedic gold. Plus, since nobody could possibly want a brownie that you have fingered up to your first knuckle, the comedic treat is all the more special, because now you have two brownies!
Hilarious Todd! That Jesse kid sounds like he has no friends, probably cause he smells bad and loves men!
Great story!
(P.S. See I did read it!!!!)
dude i thank avatar everyday that you gave me the link to this blog. it keeps me up to date on the inner workings of one of my favorite minds, and then of course (as in this instance) i'm able to revisit one of my fondest memories of verbally abusing moulin and questioning jesse's overt christian values.
leslie, you have no idea how high you just went in my book. i'm even going to overlook the fact that you called bill and ted a dumb movie.
i rested my feet on moulins head at many a theatre in my day. i bet you didn't think he'd climb the rusty chain, or step in piles of cheerios we placed outside jesse's front door!
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