As I begin to prepare for short vacation back to the U.S., I’m continually stricken with fond memories of my earlier life in Pennsylvania. Of course, these reminiscences not only provide excellent material for my online ramblings, but they also save me the trouble of coming up with a new and original topic. It is with this in mind, that I will be devoting this entry to a tale of such world renown, that it may come of somewhat of a shock, that I waited this long to share it formally. To begin, many of you who know me or my small circle of friends from high school will no doubt remember hearing the word “G.Y.B.” used by any one of us at one time or another. While most of you know that the term is used in a pejorative sense, only a select few (by “select” I mean anyone who asks) know the true meaning behind the expression. Therefore, I feel that it is my duty to formally reveal the story behind the term, as well as clear up any possible misinterpretations that may have resulted as a result of the coy attitude my friends and I have shown to those desiring the truth concerning “G.Y.B.” It is under these pretenses that I proudly present to you the true story.
It was a warm spring night. My friends, Jesse (see Tales From Home Pt. 2), Dan and I were prepared to enjoy one another’s company through the usual medium of video games. It was at the moment of greatest anticipation for the night before us, that the familiar sound of the door opening caught our attention. Our curiosity over who it could be was immediately replaced by disappointment when a deep resonant grunt entered our ears. The grunt, a calling card of our mutual acquaintance Scott, alerted us to the fact that the evening would be far from enjoyable. Scott, who was someone we had known since grammar school, had a penchant for discovering our plans and then showing up to our homes uninvited. His spontaneous appearances were notorious. Each of us has a tale of waking up, arriving home following a trip, or getting out of the shower only to find Scott patiently waiting for us in our living room, oblivious to the social faux pas he was committing.

While this would not have been as bad if Scott had been a friend of ours, the simple truth was that a number of us had begun to hate him, and the best of us strongly disliked him. Despite this, our concern for his feelings (he did mean well) kept us from overtly displaying our disdain for him. After exchanging the complimentary greetings, Scott serenaded us with a few more grunts and then settled down to tell us about his “DMX” CD, deer hunting, beer, or some other meaningless thing his feeble mind dared to share with us. Jesse, whose world famous politeness had caused him to bear the brunt of Scott’s friendship, finally decided he had had enough, and chose to go to sleep in my bedroom upstairs. Dan and I, who were enjoying making fun of Scott (albeit still subtly), decided to stick around, and play video games with him. What follows next, would set the stage for many future tales, and change my life and vocabulary for ever.
The video game we chose was one in which you drive a car with a lot of guns, and go around trying to shoot other cars (also with guns.) While the genius and ingenuity of this game can be without question, we were finding it hard to concentrate due to Scott’s strategy of driving his car. His tactic of not fighting us and driving around in circles coupled his frequently loud guffaws, further antagonized us, and finally out of pure frustration we quit the game. Basking in his lameness, he continually talked about the game for the next hour and half. We just tried to ignore him, and prayed for the moment he would get tired and leave the house. Finally as if exhausted by the fact that he had used so much brain power to form sentences, he collapsed in a heap of backne and sweat.
It took us a few minutes to discover the miracle, but after a couple moments of quiet, we silently rejoiced over the fact and begin to throw things at his sleeping body. The joy we gained through the (we thought) humiliation of Scott grew old, and Dan and I decided to watch a movie. Throughout the movie we continued to insult Scott while desperately trying to hear the dialogue over his increasingly loud snoring. In a fit of despondency, I began to look over at Scott hoping my glares of disdain would quiet him.

It was during one of those looks that I caught sight of one of the most disturbing images ever to grace my young eyes. Scott was fast asleep, but his hand was firmly gripping the hardened object which needs no further elaboration. Despite its disquieting nature, I immediately showed Dan what I saw. Dan took a look, and despite the fact that he was unhappy about the image he was forced to behold, he also saw the humorous potential of the situation. We immediately started discussing what we could do to Scott to capitalize on such a golden opportunity. Eventually, our brilliant minds settled on a plan of pouring warm water on his crotch in the hope that he would think he peed himself. We immediately set our plan in action and filled up a glass with warm water. I discovered my own thirst after seeing the water, so I filled a second glass for myself, this one with ice. We then made our way back to Scott and poured the water on his crotch. Our joy was compounded when Scott, far from disliking the water we poured on him, actually gripped himself harder! Laughing, we decided to get a second glass. For some reason, Dan filled this one with water hot enough to produce steam. As Dan crept up towards Scott’s crotch, I stood by the light switch prepared to quickly shut off the lights if anything went wrong. Dan attempted to pour a little bit of water, but his haste caused him to accidentally pour the entire glass on his crotch. Seeing the mistake I immediately shut off the light.
The darkness could not hide our laughter. My convulsions caused the ice in my glass to jingle, and I desperately tried to stifle my emotion. Scott, immediately sensing the drastic temperature change in his pubic area, began to waken. Feeling the moisture and immediately realizing it to not be urine, his initial confusion turned to anger. Yelling some empty threats of murder, we immediately burst into laughter and ran away. Running up to my bedroom, we woke Jesse up to tell him what we had seen and what we had done. Jesse, whose own tiredness kept him from realizing the true brilliance of what happened, chuckled before going back to sleep. Throughout the rest of the night we talked about all the things Scott could do.

We decided to call him “G.Y.B”, or Grip Your Boner. Afterwards we came up with numerous stories, products he promoted (wet pipes and the health benefits of warm water on the crotch) as well as super human feats that “G.Y.B.” had accomplished (naturally with the gift God endowed him with, notably a wet crotch). We even made a goal to have someone call someone else a “G.Y.B.” on a nationally syndicated television show (a goal that has yet to be reached). It was at that point that we decided to never call Scott by his birth name again. We even created a false meaning of “G.Y.B.” in order to call him it to his face. The next morning we told him goodbye, and the beginning of a new era commenced.
In conclusion, the above story may seem to be of little importance; fortunately nothing could be further from the truth. While this story may be much funnier when told in person, its future repercussions can not be underestimated. “G.Y.B.” would be an important part of many future stories, and without this initial action, our hatred of Scott would have never come out in the open. The “G.Y.B.” story cleared the way for “Space Battles” one of the most ambitious and poorly made amateur movies ever. It set the stage for “E.O.G.”, “GYB-Poop”, and the supposed G.Y.B. kidnapping which involved the local police and almost got Dan and I beat up by a chain-smoking G.Y.B. Finally, I would just like to say that G.Y.B. is one of my fondest memories from my youth. “G.Y.B.” entered my vocabulary, and I still occasionally use it today. I implore you to use it as well! Together, we can utilize this acronym’s full potential, and keep the spirit of insulting the former Scott as strong today, as it was when it was nothing but a dream encapsulated in a steaming hot glass of water.
Being a businessman is so much easier with the knowledge of G.Y.B.!!!
that damn gyb. he's such a gyb. my fondest boner gripping related memory was the first viewing of the infamous space battles, when who else pulled up but gyb. only to see the scene we all knew was coming....people that are down with gyb. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN GUYS! that was the last time i spoke to the man that was scott karns, and his true rebirth as gyb in my eyes.
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