
is an unfortunate side-effect of a majority of people attempting to understand a minority that appears strange to them. While many cultures have made efforts to combat this phenomenon, the unfortunate truth is that stereotyping exists and proliferates with no foreseeable end. Throughout history, the homosexual community has been the victims of stereotyping. Many people's impressions of how homosexuals interact with other people is almost always much different than the way they truthfully live. The frequently heard stereotype is that gay people are normal participants in the order of life. Many believe that they do not act differently from you or me and that they are in fact, not sexual deviants. Some stereotypes imply that they are capable of the same moral standards that we all live by. Finally, some people believe that they are equal in everyway, and therefore should not be singled out for any reason. It’s hard to believe that people still cling to such antiquated views. Despite this, I am proud to report that nation of Japan has made some rather impressive strides towards defeating this myth. Through the national icon "Hard Gay", the Japanese people are beginning to understand the truth behind homosexuals in their community, one pelvic thrust at a time...

Since first appearing on the scene under the guise of a comedian, Hard Gay has been fighting against the profiling of homosexuals. Wearing his trademark leather vest, hat, and hot pants, Hard Gay has shown us that not all homosexuals choose to assimilate into their native cultures by wearing modest attire. It must be noted that Hard Gay's affinity for dancing (most often to the soothing beats of Ricky Martin's "Livin' La Vida Loca") and spinning prove that gay men are incapable of living without over-the-top theatrics. Also, Hard Gay's selfless acts of "charity" for people on the street, whether it be preparing delicious dishes for children, or working at a noodle restaurant, demolish the common belief that gay people seldom support openly liberal causes. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Hard Gay has re-introduced the world to the wonders of the "pelvic thrust". While many attribute the popularity of the thrust in America as part the Wayne's World craze of the early 1990's, some attribute Hard Gay with introducing its beautiful rhythm to the Japanese audience. As a result of his efforts, Hard Gay has benefited many homosexuals by utilizing his lightning fast pelvic thrusts to prove once and for all that those belonging to the homosexual community are incapable of going through life without engaging in overtly sexual behavior.
In conclusion, I would like to thank Hard Gay for all of his achievements, as well as call for increased efforts to include homosexuals into our community free of stereotypes.

In my opinion, the easiest way to do this is by including some of Hard Gay's actions into the daily lives of all heterosexuals. It is my belief that we should all begin to wear leather hot pants, vests and aviator sun glasses. When talking to a friend, feel free to include a pelvic thrust or two (or three, or four) to emphasize an especially strong point. Do a dance when you’re happy or even if you are sad! Also, and this is the most important, we must act like we have some underground sexual fetish that stops us from effectively assimilating into modern society. Only after we have accomplished these tasks, will it be possible for homosexuals to truly find acceptance in mainstream culture. I just hope that Hard Gay's efforts have not been wasted. Although, the leather chaps in my closest tell me his success is just beginning.
there's a lot of bi things i am, but lingual ain't one of them. man "dancing with the stars" is SOOO much cooler in japan. this guy reminds me of jesse. if his career of flagrant homosexual promiscuity doesn't pan out i'd say this guy could have a money fued against a certain gwinding diva.
I am glad you finally found something about Japan you like! I am just sorry it had to be a pelvis thrusting Japanese man dressed in leather. I guess that is just the way it goes.
Love you anyway!
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