Голые и Смешные, or Naked and Funny as it is called in English, is a mix between Candid Camera and soft-core pornography. The premise is simple. Show people reacting to one of three things, a fat woman requiring help (thankfully not naked) in nearly impossible situations, show people's reactions to being exposed (a light-hearted look at sexual harassment), or the most frequent, people's reaction to naked people (mostly women) doing the most random things under the sun. Each feature as its own unique merit, and therefore I would like to discuss each in detail.
By far the most infrequent, but often funniest aspect of the show is the fat woman in impossible situations. In the most recent episode, she sat on a chair and broke through the bottom. Naturally her butt was stuck in the chair with her legs in the air.

The second feature of the show is the exposing of innocent people. Naturally this occurs to only attractive people (the overweight woman never finds herself in this situation) and almost always to women. The scenario follows a brilliant formula. An attractive woman must change her clothes for some reason, and then hilarity ensues. For example, one episode showed a number of women in a changing booth at the beach. As soon as they had their shirts off, the producers would raise the booth leaving this naked women exposed to the entire beach. Of course she is horrified and we all laugh. The show presents us with no less than ten different women featuring the same result. Occasionally (as if the show was forced) they would show us a fleeting clip of a man in the same situation, but this would transition into the tried and true clip of a topless woman jumping up and down in the attempt to pull the booth back down to her. Other clips play off this theme, with men sliding (on skateboards on their backs) under the booth while a woman was changing or women changing for a medical examination, only to be exposed.

Finally, and by far the best and most frequent aspect of the show is people (men) reacting to other naked (women) people. This part is by far my favorite because it shows the natural reaction of men when confronted with a naked woman. Naturally most of the comedy comes from their vain attempts to resist the primal urge of ogling. Naturally the most common method is surprising men with topless women. This is done through a number of completely random ways. In one clip a woman is roller skating and falls down. When a man attempts to help her up, her shirt flies off (at quite an alarming speed). The man then makes a surprised face and apologizes profusely. Another way is to entice a man to play a game of darts. After he throws the first dart, the target falls off only to reveal a pair of women's breasts. Or finally, a man is walking down the street, when a bathtub with a naked women in it (complete with suds and brush) comes rolling out of a side street past him. He of course tries to stop the tub, only to be embarrassed by the naked women inside. (This same joke was also used with a man on a toilet complete with a roll of toilet paper floating behind him, hilarious!) Naturally, the men are all surprised after they find out that was just a hilarious joke.
In conclusion, my blog is only the tip of the iceberg when addressing the genius that is Naked and Funny.

Your brilliance as a writer and thinker know no bounds. As I read through your last few posts, I couldn't help but sigh and think "Oh, how I miss Todd."
Then, I read about Russian bosoms and forgot about your brilliance because all rational thought left me. In fact, the only cogent sentence running through my mind was "Oh, how I need to see those."
Gee, I hope you-know-who doesn't read this comment. She doesn't like to hear about my interest in Russian bosoms. Oh well, it's risk worth taking.
Hi, That was a nice blog entry. I myself recently discovered the joys of "naked and funny", and my life has changed! lol
However, I have been looking for the names of the female models that make the show so splendid (I'm thinking about this nice brunette that does the topless judo, or the blond with big breasts which does the body art, and the nice blonde that features in the "chandelier with a surprise" one...). Unfortunately I don't read russian, which makes it difficult to understand the credits at the end of the episodes...
Do you think you can help me out? If so, I would be sooo grateful for a hint: elrazkal@aol.com
thanks in advance
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