C.H.: God, it’s nice to finally meet you.
God: Nice to see you again. I want to say first that I will not answer any questions relating to hot button issues. So please don't ask me any questions about homosexuality or abortion. I just urge all to use their minds and realize that times change and sometimes love between consenting adults or practical matters trump the musings of ancient scholars who believed that the reason we speak different languages is because I got upset over a building in Iraq that they were building. I mean honestly you would think if that was the case, there wouldn't be an urban construction crew in the world who could speak the same language. So, before you say anything. I urge all to do what they know is right and stop citing me as a way to justify your prejudice.
C.H.: Okay. In that case, I want to begin by congratulating you on a fine job with earth, it’s not perfect, but I sense that you work in mysterious ways.
God: Aaah, yeah! I do work in mysterious ways, but let’s be honest. I do not influence everything, people die, disasters happen. I don't really mess with that kind of stuff because of the guilt that comes with the mass slaughter of innocent people. My taste for genocide waned after I helped eliminate the Canaanite people from Palestine after the Jewish exodus from Egypt. I have been working since then to strengthen my reputation as a just and loving God.
C.H.: Is that true? The exodus and the elimination of the descendants of Cain, whom you promised to protect?

C.H.: Fair enough. What is it that you occupy your time with today?
God: Well, I have become quite accustomed to sitting in heaven, and admiring my streets of Zinc.
C.H. Zinc? I thought they were gold?
God: Yes, well despite the claims on earth, I am not a fan of capitalism. I made some unwise investments in penny stocks hoping for the big return, but unfortunately the Asian recession coupled with some poor decisions by my broker has forced me to liquidate my assets. I'm beginning to feel the pinch, especially since I have to keep fighting off acquisition attempts from Hell.
C.H.: So, contrary to belief, you are not a supporter of Capitalism?
God: No, how could I be. I love everyone equally. I do not show favoritism and I can not justify one group of people having more privileges and luxury than another.
C.H.: Interesting. Well, the purpose of this interview was to find out about your general likes and dislikes. There are many groups who claim to speak for you when they say that you hate certain things like gays or abortion. I was wondering if you could tell me about the more mundane things you hate.
God: (laughs) I sense you are hoping to gauge my response as a way into what I said I would not talk about, you are clever, but keep in mind I'm the one who gave Solomon the brilliance needed to decide which woman was the true mother of the child he intended to cut in half. So watch it!
C.H.: Okay, I'm sorry. Please continue.
God: Well, let me see. I really hate contemporary Christian music. It’s so stupid, and the lyrics are forced. Look, when you pigeonhole lyrics so that they only ever talk about one specific topic, then the music will naturally be lame. Plus all these Christian bands believe I'm somehow influencing them. That’s not true; I only ever helped one band make it, and that was REO Speedwagon.

God: Well, since I'm God, I don't really hate much. I don't really like unleavened bread; I created yeast for a reason. I don't know where the Jews got that idea. Hmmmm, well one surprising fact is that I still have a healthy respect for Lucifer. He has balls, and I'm still smitten with how beautiful I made him. He and I disagree, but contrary to belief, I did not kick him out of heaven. I am God, and I realize simple disagreements should not break up old friendships. Sure, we aren't as close as we used to be, but we are both excited for the new Nintendo Wii and I'm sure he'll be around to play it as soon as I can get one.
C.H.: So you and Satan are friends?
God: Yeah of course, we did not agree over what direction dinosaurs should go. I realized that it was an evolutionary dead end. He urged patience. I eliminated them and he was bitter. We are getting closer though, especially with how ridiculous things are getting on earth.
C.H.: So you don't hate as much as commonly believed?
God: No of course not, I saw you had a photo saying I hated what... Bacon? What?!? I love bacon! I don't know where people get some of the information, but I do see that in order to show the utter importance of your point of view, it is important to make people believe that I have a problem with it. I assure you that many of the things people I say I hate are not true, and if you want to know the truth, I urge you just to ask me.
C.H.: Anything else? Anything that you love?
God: Well, I really love everything, especially Arby's Melts and the movie "The Postman". I think that it was severely underrated. Look, I have spent an eternity trying to make others see that love should be the paramount emotion, and that it should never be ignored in favor of biblical aspects that are irrelevant for modern society.
C.H.: One final question. What do you say to people who don't believe in you?

C.H.: Thank you for your time God.
God: No problem, anytime.
"father, father, father, father, father, father, fathaaaaaa.....your steppin on the macho man's turf bub! your gettin your dirt in my koolaid chump! DIG IT! there was only one master of madness around when the dinosaurs went down for the 1-2-3..and that was the slim jim poppin, elbow droppin, neck vein throbbin son of a gun known as the MACHO MAN RANDY......savage.....oh yeah...and Wii is for pussies brother...the Madness plays a MACH-BOX 360. CUSTOM MADE TO ROCK YOUR FACE OFF. OOOOOHHHHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!
Yeah, baby, right on!!!!!!!!1
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