I can't imagine that anyone could forget where they were and what they were doing when they first heard the news about what was transpiring on that day in September. I don't have to remind you what I'm talking about, as I'm sure that many of you feel the same emotions every September. I can only hope that the following words will adequately express my emotions concerning that day, as well as help others by revealing the truth about what I experienced when I first learned about the horrible reality of the situation.
I remember that day just like it was yesterday. At the time I was working a dead end job and I felt that my life was going nowhere. The day it happened, I had just dragged myself in for another exhausting shift when I was told the startling news. The revelation took my breath away and I was forced to sit and fully absorb something that I was in no way prepared for. I asked my co-worker again if it could possibly be true. He reiterated his earlier statement, tears filling his eyes. He continued by adding that he had been totally unaware of the magnitude of the situation until it was too late. In a state of denial I rushed to the internet. To my horror, every news site had published the same shocking truth. I sat back and tried to think about how it could be possible that something this big could be overlooked. It was at that moment that I noticed my co-worker beginning to panic. He said that his grandparents were in New York, and that he had no way of contacting them. I tried to calm him, but my mind was on my own grandparents who lived in Pennsylvania, not far from Pittsburgh. I asked my manager for leave and raced home just in time to see my sister calmly eating lunch. When I told my sister what I knew, her face turned white and she quickly began preparing for the worst. I decided that I needed to know if my grandparents were all right. I made the long trip down to their house. When I arrived, I was relieved to find them both fine. They greeted me cordially and allowed me to reveal what I had discovered. In response, they justifiably bemoaned the lack of vigilance my generation had shown by letting such a monumental failure of intelligence and foresight occur. I knew they were right, and I went to sleep that night telling myself that I would never forget the sacrifice all those people made. I knew that they must be celebrated and I promised that I would keep the anniversary present in everyone's mind so that no one would ever forget.
As I conclude, I want to remind everyone not to forget National Grandparents Day this September 10. My ignorance caused me to forget such an important day, but together as a nation, we can ensure that all Grandparents throughout the country will be honored on this hallowed day. It is important to remember that a person's grandparents are pillars of our society. Without a Grandfather teaching you about fishing, stamps, and other things that happened in his time, how would we ever get away from things we really want to be doing?

also, on the following day sears wouldn't let us buy fashion pants with the gift certificates our grandparents gave us on our birthdays. something about terrorists.
I'm so glad everyone liked the last blog. I'm sure that you are all fans of your grandparents, and I hope that what happened to me didn't happen to you. Also, Rachel, your talk about the brilliance that is Cage inspired me. I may write about his genius soon!
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