This is the fourth of a number of blogs that will be written by a "guest" contributor. This article was written by Patrick Cherniburg (see my blogs entitled " A New Format" and "A Different Perspective"). Enjoy!As a man hailing from the later half of the 19th century, it’s sometimes difficult to understand certain aspects of your society. Naturally this is true of technology, but it is also applies to the world’s political situations. My ignorance was tested when I was watching the television device and happened upon a channel displaying the world's news stories. Intrigued by the idea of all the news on earth being beamed into my home, I decided to watch the modern news in order to enlighten my world view. As the programming continued, it transitioned to Middle Eastern affairs. I hadn't heard much about the Ottoman Empire lately, so I was curious to see what the nation had been up to during the last 150 years. I was shocked to discover that the Ottoman Empire didn't exist (which wasn't too surprising, that heathen nation had been slowly dying during my time) and instead had been replaced with a number of small nations that the British Empire had
allowed to rule themselves. While this is more or less palatable after a day or two of serious consideration, there was one country's existence which sent shivers down my spine. Of course I'm referring to the nation of Israel.
In Revelation, it says that when Israel exists, Jesus will return. Naturally as a Christian, I've never actually read the Bible, but I have one and I'm pretty sure it’s in there. My initial shock at the possibility of a modern Crusader state in Palestine turned to horror when I realized that the country was actually being run not by Christians, but by Jews themselves! Now, don't get me wrong, I am enlightened enough to be past the stage of anything more than simple verbal abuse as long as any wandering Jew makes sure to clear the path when I'm coming.

After all, if the street is good enough for horses, it’s good enough for all of God's lower life forms. Anyway as I was saying, despite my progressive views of the Jewish race, I don't believe that they should be given any nation to rule. After all, they are the ones who are cursed by God to wander the earth wringing their hands and bemoaning the fact they consciously delivered Christ to Satan. Why should they be given any type of reward? I puzzled over this predicament, and I did more and more research at the library to get to the root at the problem. I initially believed that their skills in the banking sector had facilitated a purchase of the land, but this turned out to be not true. I then stumbled on something called the "Holocaust" but found this to be nothing more than an institutionalized and more efficient form of the pogroms that were common occurrences in my time, and therefore skimmed over it. It was then, that I found the indisputable source for the allowance of a Jewish state, in one word, Arabs.
The Moslems have always been something of a pain. Their language is indistinguishable, they worship the moon, and they have been known to take commissions from the Devil himself. As I mentioned before, I was shocked to discover that the Ottoman Empire no longer existed, and this was for no other reason than the fact that the civilized nations had invested so much money into it. Of course its religion and the fact that they weren't truly European made this inevitable.

As I continued reading through the history, I was surprised to learn that unlike the Jews, who pretty much left the country following the Roman destruction of their temple in 73 A.D., the Moslems hadn't gone anywhere after the fall of the Ottomans and the subsequent rule of the British. While I can understand why the Moslems didn't leave, I can't fathom for the life of me why the British didn't make them leave. After all, we had spent hundreds of years trying to regain the region during the Crusades, so when we finally did get it back; it seems that we lost any initiative to right this grave injustice to Christianity. While this questions remains a conundrum that should be reserved for a future article, the British restraint allowed for the Moslems to still be living there when the Europeans got the (on the surface) crazier idea of giving the Jews that same piece of land following the second war with Germany. As a result of this seemingly irresponsible action, the Jews moved into a country chalk full of Moslems. So why did the British allow such a thing? The answer, after careful consideration, makes perfect sense.
So, what do you do with two groups of people whom are both equally hated? Put them together of course! And, where do you put them? In one place with so much religious symbolism and superstition that they fight to the death to preserve small and relatively meaningless plots of land. This is what the great British Empire in all its infinitive wisdom pulled off in the year 1948.

Naturally we chose the Jewish side to support throughout the whole mess due to the fact that their long history in Europe had at least given them a little bit of civilization, despite their best efforts to undermine it (see Yiddish). Plus, Arabs have dark skin, which makes them inferior enough to clear our conscious about the fact that we are overtly supporting the people who killed Jesus. Of course, there are some exceptions. I've seen that some countries like France continue to largely support Arab interests. I guess their Catholic heritage makes it more difficult for them to hold the hand that hammered the nails into the cross. As a result of support for two competing entities, the European powers have discovered a full proof plan to ridding the world of those who don't believe the way we do. I can't think of a more efficient plan, and a tear comes to my eye when I think about how far we've come since the "smash and grab" tactics used during my time.
Finally, I'd like to say that I'm proud of my country, the United States, for investing so much money and time in arming the nation of Israel in order to allow for more widespread and specific death and destruction. Of course, I wouldn't want to leave out the former Soviet Union as well as other nations for their equally important task of arming the Palestinians. In conclusion, I'd like to say that the last sixty years of Israeli history has shown me the light, and I can now look at my Christian faith from a different perspective. You see, as a Christian it is my duty to reveal the good news to everyone. Unfortunately those who follow Judaism and Islam have actively refused to hear the truth. As a result, I have revised my understanding of the book of Revelation, and now I understand why Jesus hasn't returned yet. He was waiting for a
Christian Israel, not a Jewish one! Unfortunately, at the moment his homeland is infested with vermin, so naturally he doesn't want to move back yet.

The conflict in Israel is a sort of spring cleaning of Jesus' house before his return. Once all the riff-raff has been cleared, the Christian Jesus can return to a Christian Israel, the way it was meant to be. This truth has filled me with a great amount of joy, and I will continue to support the violence in the Middle East with all my soul. After all, I know the power of faith, and with the right faith I'm sure our great nations can continue the policy of preparing the Middle East for the imminent arrival of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.