Will Smith entered most of our lives under the moniker of the “Fresh Prince,” rapping to the hip beats of fellow future Hollywood mega star DJ Jazzy Jeff. His raps were held as a safe alternative to the gangster-rap that was also growing in popularity, and Smith took this mantel to make some of the worst and most forgettable rhymes in the history of the genre. It is true that Smith’s raps included less overt profanity than say, N.W.A., but this does not mean that his lyrics should be spared from intense criticism. While not stimulating any specific moral outrage, the words uttered in Smith's "songs" are so bad that they negatively affect the sensibilities of anyone with even a small degree of sanity. I hesitate to quote any directly (at risk of inadvertently making myself sick), but for the sake of argument, please remember that one of his biggest hits, “Parents Just Don’t Understand,” was a song bemoaning the lack of understanding parents give to the limited outlook of twelve year olds. It was as a result of such earth shattering social commentary, that Smith despite all his deficiencies was given a show on national television.
“The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” sucks. There is really no other way around it, and its “Full House” like nostalgia remains the only thing that continues to draw us in.

“Bad Boys” was Smith’s first major film role, and therefore it was only natural that he be paired with mega talent, Martin Lawrence (who would acquire further fame in such hilarious forays as Big Momma’s House 1 & 2). This movie (which I’m quite sure everyone has seen, to my own dismay) opened the door for Will Smith to pursue a full time movie career. It was this opportunity that allowed him to display his penchant for the absurd by fighting aliens (two times, once as a stripper dating potential astronaut and once as a cop) as well being a black cowboy that everyone in 1870’s America treats as an equal. These movies have somehow given Smith an ego, although thorough viewings will cause many to question how, and it is with this in mind that I come back to where I began.
So as I mentioned earlier, I had just turned on the TV only to see Will Smith’s big stupid grin. He was promoting his new film, “The Pursuit of Happyness”, and was allowing the Japanese audience the great privilege of hearing his thoughts on family and life.

In conclusion, I would like to say Will Smith sucks. His movies are lame, his show was terrible, and his music (if it can be called that) is something spawned from hell. If we as a society want to continue living in a world of prosperity, it is in our best interest to stop him before his lectures on life motivate him to seek higher office. Therefore I urge you to do the right thing, and rid yourself of anything that bears the stench of Will Smith. Until then, I will consider every movie ticket, every CD owned, and every recitation of the “Fresh Prince” theme song as a vote towards a bleak Orwellian future of people forced to “Get Jiggy Wit It” while watching repeated viewings of box office masterpiece “Hitch.” With this terrifying future in mind, I hope everyone will do the right thing. I just hope I'm not too late.